Thursday, March 26, 2015

Weeks 8-9. Term 1. 2015. Plus holiday activities.

Aluminium Fun.

Don't get bored over the holidays.  Here are some fabulous activities to motivate you to be creative with recycling soft drink cans.  

There is a polystyrene ball in the middle. 
You only need scissors & a can to make this cool design.
Add these to hair ties, magnets or around a mirror.

What other animals could you design?

*  Place your aluminium sheet onto a softer surface like a cork place mat or a magazine for etching.  The softer surface creates bigger indentations.
* If you are googling ideas, remember that Americans call soft drink cans 'soda' cans.  This will get you more ideas in your search. 
*  Be careful with the off-cuts of metal as they can be very sharp. Bin them straight away.  
*  Don't use your best scissors, as cutting cans can dent the blades.
*  If your piece of metal moves around too much while you are etching onto it, tape it down to the soft surface you are working on.  eg Magazine cover.  
*  Don't over bend the metal as it will become fatigued quickly.  (This means that it will snap if you over bend it.)
* Watch all edges that make contact with your skin as they can get quite sharp.  eg. If you are making earrings, check that they don't scratch your neck.
* If your project doesn't work the first time, don't give up & try again. It's not really costing you very much.   

Update on our workshop.
Our workshops are slowly making progress.  Here are the latest photos.

We are now looking at early May for completion.
The new sound proof walls have been plastered.
Ceiling complete & display walls started.

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